
INTINYA LAW BV (KBO/BCE no. 0801.949.280, Hofstraat 28/A, 9000 Ghent, tel: +32 9 395 77 70, email: (hereinafter: INTINYA) is responsible for the processing of your personal data as described in this privacy policy.

INTINYA takes the protection of your personal data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and modification without permission. If you have the impression that your data are not properly protected or there are indications of abuse, please contact our firm immediately at the following email address:

In this privacy policy, INTINYA explains which of your personal data are processed, for what purposes and on what legal basis, for how long your personal data will be stored, to whom your personal data may be transferred and what rights you have with regard to the processing of your personal data.

Processing of your personal data

What personal data are processed by INTINYA, for what purposes and on what legal basis?

As well as collecting and processing the personal data that you may provide to INTINYA when using the website, in the context of its provision of legal services INTINYA collects and processes personal data from:

  • clients or potential clients and their employees
  • persons who subscribe to the INTINYA newsletter/blog/vlog
  • persons who provide their business card or otherwise give their contact details to INTINYA
  • persons who follow INTINYA on social media
  • job applicants
  • INTINYA service providers
  • third parties (insofar as is necessary for the performance of the legal assignment entrusted to INTINYA by its clients)
The following are among the items of personal data that INTINYA collects:

In the context of client management (contractual necessity, consent, legal obligation, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • financial data and details
  • personal characteristics
  • professional data (education and profession)
  • judicial personal data
  • other personal data actively provided by clients or potential clients, for example in correspondence and by telephone, or in the context of the requested service

In the context of supplier management (contractual necessity, consent, legal obligation, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • financial data
  • professional data (education and profession)

In the context of direct marketing, including sending the INTINYA newsletter or information about publications or training courses that may be of interest to you (consent, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • personal characteristics
  • professional data (education and profession)

If you have given INTINYA permission to add you to its direct mailing list, it may use your personal data to send you newsletters or other information regarding INTINYA and its services. This permission may be withdrawn at any time, free of charge and without providing any reasons, by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of each promotional electronic communication.

In the context of job applications (consent, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • personal characteristics
  • professional data (education and profession)
  • image recording (photo)

Job application data are processed by INTINYA to evaluate your application and to enable it to implement a recruitment policy.

In the context of compliance with legal obligations:

  • identification data
  • financial data
  • identity card and national register number

In the context of the performance of the legal assignment entrusted to INTINYA by its clients:

  • personal data of third parties from public sources (such as the National Register, the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, the Belgian Official Gazette, etc.) and private sources (such as social media and B2B databases), including:
    • identification data
    • financial data
    • professional data (education and profession)
    • judicial personal data
  • Other personal data of third parties in the context of the handling of disputes in and out of court
For how long will INTINYA keep your personal data?

INTINYA will not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data have been collected:

  • Client and supplier management, performance of the legal assignment: ten years after the end of the agreement
  • Direct marketing: three years after the last meaningful contact, although this period may be extended with your consent
  • Job applicants: one year after receipt of the personal data
  • Legal obligations: legal retention period
To whom may INTINYA transfer your personal data?

INTINYA may share your personal data with:

  • service providers acting as data processors for INTINYA: IT service providers, PR/marketing service providers, translation agencies
  • professional advisers to INTINYA such as external law firms and accountants
  • third parties involved in INTINYA’s provision of services to its clients: judicial officers, arbitrators, mediators, notaries, opposing parties and their lawyers, witnesses and experts
  • third parties involved in INTINYA’s service provision in the context of their relationship with clients: banks, insurance companies and brokers
  • government agencies such as police forces, the courts, the council presidents of the different bars, the Financial Information Processing Unit and other supervisory bodies.

This list is not exhaustive. There may be other instances where INTINYA must inform other parties in order to provide its services as effectively as possible.

The aforementioned third parties may only use the personal data for the aforementioned purposes and on behalf of INTINYA.

In the event of a complete or partial reorganisation or transfer of INTINYA’s activities or in the event that INTINYA is declared bankrupt, your personal data may be transferred to new entities or third parties. In that case, INTINYA will inform you in advance of its intention to transfer your personal data to a third party.

Your rights

You have the right to view your personal data (and request a copy of them), to correct them or to delete them. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent for data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by INTINYA (for example for marketing purposes) and you have the right to data portability.

You may send a request to view, copy, correct, delete or transfer your personal data, or notice of the withdrawal of your consent for or of your objection to the processing of your personal data to the email address or by registered post to our firm’s address.

INTINYA will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible, and within 30 days at the most.

However, you should bear in mind that INTINYA may not be required to comply with your request for inspection, correction, deletion or transfer, in view of the legal obligations to which it is subject, or to enable it to establish, exercise or substantiate a legal claim, or to exercise the right to freedom of expression and/or information on justified grounds.

INTINYA also wishes to draw your attention to the possibility that is open to you of submitting a complaint to the national supervisory body, the Belgian Data Protection Authority. Before submitting a complaint, it is recommended that you contact INTINYA so that your complaint can be resolved quickly.

Changes to this privacy policy

INTINYA reserves the right to modify this privacy policy. The most recent version of the privacy policy can be found on the INTINYA website. If the changes are substantial, INTINYA will notify you of this through its website, by email or by post.

Applicable law and competent court

Belgian law applies exclusively to this privacy policy and any dispute arising from it.

The courts of the judicial district of Ghent (Ghent division) have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from or related to the interpretation or implementation of this privacy policy, without prejudice to any applicable mandatory laws.